Sam Smithson

3 Ways to Find More Clients Like Your Clients on LinkedIn

LinkedIn Clients


Most of our clients tell us that building a quality prospecting list can be a challenge. If you are looking to find more clients like your clients – you’ve come to the right place.

First, make a list of your favorite clients, the ones you want more of. Here are 3 of LinkedIn’s feature that can make building a protecting list a lot of fun…really!



1. People Also Viewed – When you visit your client’s profile, on the right hand column you will see “People also viewed”on the top right side. Although this isn’t perfect, often many of the others that appear here resemble the profile of your client. And, as you find others in this list that you identify as new prospects, you can click through to their profile, and it will suggest more. You will also find others within their company that you may want to connect with as well.

LinkedIn People Also Viewed

2. People Similar To“People similar to” In this case, Ivonne Vidreiro is the Director of Operations at Underwriting Specialists – if I want to find more people like Ivonne, this feature is very helpful.

LinkedIn People Similar

3. Companies People Also Viewed – Visit your ideal clients’ company pages to find other companies like them. LinkedIn let’s us know other company pages that were visited, which often are similar in industry and size. It is an easy way to build up a prospecting list. CLICK HERE to learn how to find the right decision makers through LinkedIn Company Pages.

LinkedIn Companies Viewed

Once you have found these prospects, simply send them a request to connect with a quick note through the BACKDOOR:

Suzanne, I work with many Directors of Operations, and your name came up as someone I should connect with, so I wanted to reach out and introduce myself. Let’s connect on LinkedIn and maybe set up a brief call to explore how we might be able to work together.

BONUS: Identify the profile features of these prospects that match LinkedIn’s Advanced Search Filters. For example: What is the Title of the decision maker,Industry they have listed on their or Keywords that are relevant and used in their summary and/or headline. For premium users, include the Company Size and Seniority of your prospect? Now use these in an Advanced Search to find more people like these people.

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