Sam Smithson

3 Ways to Prospect from Your Client’s LinkedIn Profile

Client Referrals from LinkedInOften when I talk with clients about their ideal prospects, 2 or 3 clients immediately come to mind. Beginning with these clients is a great way to develop and identify more companies and people like them in your target market. In fact,
LinkedIn makes this so easy by offering these 3 powerful yet underutilized tools that you can use right now to build your prospecting pipeline:

1. First, grow a list of companies more like this company. Visit your clients LinkedIn company page.

  • From their profile, go to their current position under the Experience section and click on the company logo on the right hand side.
  • On the bottom right of the company page look at the “People Also Viewed” section. More often than not, these are similar companies that could probably use your products and services the same way you have helped your current client. (CLICK HERE to learn how to use this company page to get introduced to the right decision maker in this company)

2. Similar to tip #1, when you are in your client’s profile, look at “People Similar to XXX”on the top right hand side.

  • If they are a 2 degree connections, identify your shared connection, ask for an introduction with a custom line that says you work with people in their industry.DOWNLOAD SSL’s Introduction Template.
  • If they are a 3 degree, check out their profile and identify groups they are in that you can join. Once you have joined that group, you can message them directly. CLICK HERE how to message then directly in the group.

3. Scroll down to your client’s connections box or click their “500” or number of connections. You can search and filter their connections to identify exactly who they know that you are looking to meet, and ask for introductions. CLICK HERE for the step by step navigation and messaging.

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