Sam Smithson


Your LinkedIn Summary

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Video Transcription: Summary: For Most, the summary is about me, my achievements, all the great things I’ve ever done, my mission, my passion, my years in business, all that belongs in your experience. 

About summary is your gift. This is more like a blog post, where you talk about the challenge they are facing. This is the stuff that converts to conversations By the way.

The challenges facing insights, vendor-agnostic insights, meaning they’re standalone, they don’t have to hire you to get those insights. 

Share just briefly in a sentence or two, how you can help end a call to action, and your contact information. And this is positioning you as the resource and subject matter expert, not as the salesperson or even like who you are personally, 

The Featured Section, you can add posts. So if you’ve got great posts out there, that’s better getting some great engagement. You can add a post to your featured section,

Articles, which are blogging on site inside of LinkedIn, links to YouTube and other places. 

This is the one place that you’re not penalized for doing outside links, 

Media like ebooks and PDFs and decks and all that fun stuff. Right. So here’s your litmus test. 

Is the content a resource? Or is it a pitch? Does it feature beneficial? Are they learning something? 

Does it create curiosity and get your audience thinking differently? Is it moving your prospect closer to your solution? Or do you have them on that path? 

We’ll create raised hands. That’s what we want. When people raise their hands, we get calls. 

The Experience section is where you can have your story, how you help your mission, your passion, a little bit about the company. And we have which we’re not going to get into today. We have what we call the experience hack, which is highlighting the solutions that you offer, 

Recommendations are really important, a fast story just closed. A very nice deal. Very nice deal. They said to me before they signed the contract. We’d like to talk to two or three people that have gone through the course before we do this to make sure that you know, we’re getting what you said we’ll get. And I said, go through and look at our recommendations, my recommendations on LinkedIn, pull out a couple of people you’d be interested in talking to, and I’ll connect you. And they looked at them and said, “That was enough. We don’t need to talk with anyone.” 

So it reduces the sales cycle. It’s phenomenal. Make sure you have well-documented recommendations. 

Know who you want to talk to and what you want to say. This is really important, because, especially now with the situation we’re in, in some industries, because sales are so low, if you ask them, Hey, so who’s your ideal client? Anybody? Anybody My client, anybody who wants to buy my stuff, but that’s simply not true.

You have ideal clients. They’re the clients that you know, as you look at your top clients, and you say, wow, I’d like two more of those or three more of those. I can think of a client right now where it’s like, wow, if I had five of those clients, that would be perfect.

Those are your ideal clients, you need to write their information down from a LinkedIn perspective of, you know, what is the title? What is the industry they’re in, maybe you’re impeded by geography, or there’s certain geography that you do really well in? So you want to identify them, and then figure out what you want to say to them not to pitch to them, but to create curiosity and to provide insights because not everyone is your client. Not everyone is your customer.

Biggest mistake When Social Selling is…

So, “Random. acts of social.” So this is that posting goes, you know, we kind of go on LinkedIn every once in a while, and we put a post up and then we come back three days later. 

Consistency is the key to LinkedIn. Listen, it doesn’t take hours and hours and hours a day, you can do this in 15 to 20-minute blocks once a day, three times a day. Once every other day, the important thing is to be consistent. 

One of my favorite books is Atomic habits by James clear. And he says in that book that “We don’t rise to the level of our goals, but we fall to the level of our systems. What you need to do is create a system so that you’re, you’re creating content and you’re posting and you’re conducting activity on LinkedIn on a consistent basis because randomness on LinkedIn will kill you.”

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