Sam Smithson

Advanced Search for Twitter – A Great Way to Find Your Target Market!

Advanced Search for Twitter – A Great Way to Find Your Target Market!

Sometimes social media can seem overwhelming with tens of thousands of updates streaming by every second. When that many tweets are flowing by, it’s very hard to make sense of it all. Fortunately, there are a number of ways to manage Twitter as well as advanced search techniques to help them find the updates, topics being discussed, strategic networking people and prospects.

On you twitter account, you have the ability to search through the #Discover Tab. You can find current activity and suggested people to follow.

Twitter Search      Trending topics on Twitter    Find people on Twitter






But it is the advanced search on Twitter that can really help you drill down and filter tweets to find exactly who you would like to interact with and engage in conversation. Social Sales Link’s 7 page, easy to follow guide may help make your twitter activity productive!

[gravityform id=”5″ name=”Guide to Twitter’s Advanced Search” ajax=”true”]

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