Sam Smithson

Are You Engaging Your New LinkedIn Connections?

LinkedIn logoLet’s face it, we are all guilty…connect and forget. That’s right, we accept a connection or ask for a connection and when they connect with us, we do nothing more.

We work so hard to get conversations every day that lead to business, yet we tend to ignore the lowest hanging fruit. I put my new connections into 3 categories:

Prospects – I want a conversation, so I ask for one as soon as I get the notification that we are officially connected.

Thanks for connecting with me on LinkedIn. Typically I like to have a conversation with my new connections so we can explore ways we can work together. I have Monday morning and Thursday afternoon for a call.

– Brynne Tillman

Strategic Alliance – This is someone that works with your prospects and clients but don’t overlap in offerings. This conversation can be quite beneficial to both of you.

Thanks for connecting with me on LinkedIn. I work closely with marketing professionals like yourself as we both work with the same clients. I would like to set up a time for us to explore opportunities to refer business to each other. I have Monday morning and Thursday afternoon for a call, please let me know what works best for you.

– Brynne Tillman

Other – This can range from someone you met at a networking event to your neighbor or friend. But the one thing they have in common, is we are not looking to have any call or appointment at this time. What I do want them to know is what I do and offer as well as that they are important to me and my network and I want to offer them something of value.

Thank you for connecting with me on LinkedIn. As a networker, I always like to start off a new relationship in giving mode. I want to share with you one of our videos – Leveraging LinkedIn for Business Development so You Never Have to Cold Call Again! – let me know if you find this helpful.

– Brynne Tillman

Networking on LinkedIn is just like networking in person. We have to engage and build relationships in order for it to be effective. Get to know your connections, grow relationships and ultimately grow your business.

CLICK HERE watch 5 LInkedIn Video Tips so You NEVER have to cold call again.

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