Sam Smithson


LinkedIn Referrals, Introductions, Name Dropping… Oh My!

Leveraging your social proximity and LinkedIn, in my opinion, is the number one reason LinkedIn is the most valuable sales tool available to us today. It allows us to filter and search our connections’ connections to identify who in our network can help us access our targeted buyers.

There are typically three options:

The referral:

This is from a client or someone who has personally experienced your expertise. When they make an introduction, it is based on the success they have had working with you. You come into the new connections at the highest level of credibility, and often your prospects won’t vet you any further or even shop other vendors.

The introduction:

Often this is from a center of influence or networking partner who can speak to your reputation but hasn’t actually hired you. The success rate of converting these connections into conversations can be relatively high, but they will still vet you and even shop your services. 

The name-drop:

While this isn’t the strongest level of warm prospecting, I am always surprised at how close the success rate is to an actual introduction. What I love about this is that I stay in control of the process. The key here is don’t ever name-drop without permission.  

The search:

  1. Click on the search bar and choose people from the drop-down
  2. Click on All filters
  3. Click on 2nd Degree Connection
  4. Type in the name of your connection and choose their name from the drop-down (they need to be your 1st-degree connection for them to appear)
  5. Choose your other filters including location
  6. Paste your search string in the Title filter
  7. Apply
  8. Make your list to bring to your connection

The ask:

  1. I typically like to ask in person or over a zoom call. But setting up the call might be in an email or LinkedIn message may sound something like: NAME, I hope you are well. I hope you don’t mind, but I noticed you are connected to a few people that I am trying to connect with. Would you be open to jumping on a quick call with me where I can run the names by you and get your thoughts?
  2. Once you are on a call with your connection, remind them again that they have some connections you’d like some insights on. In addition, share with your connection why you want to speak with their connection, so there is context behind the ask. Now, bring up your list and talk through the names. Some they will know well, some casually and others not at all.
  3. Now, based on who you are speaking with, you can decide if you are going to ask for a referral, introduction, or permission to drop their name. Either way, by leveraging your social proximity and LinkedIn, you will fill your calendar very quickly with targeted buyers that are open to taking your call.

By leveraging your social proximity and LinkedIn, you will schedule more sales conversations with targeted buyers in a very short period of time.


READ more about the name-drop cadence.



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