Sam Smithson

There is Gold in ‘Them There’ LinkedIn 1st Degree Connections!



We are all guilty of it, we connect and forget. But even if you did send a warm welcome message to your new connections, you probably haven’t had a conversation with more then 20% of them. Yet, if you are in sales, your job is to have more conversations with the right people.

Maybe it is time to revisit those 1st degree connections, commit to reaching out to 5 a week? 10 a week? and reconnect with a note to set up a call. Oh, I hear you, you have so many connections that you are not sure where to begin? No worries, I got you covered with two ways.

First by title and keywords:

  1. Decide with whom you’d like to connect. Not sure – take a look at your existing clients on LinkedIn and determine their title, keywords they use in their profile, the industry they list themselves under, location and other filters.
  2. Click on ‘Advanced’ next to the search bar.
  3. Type in keywords, industries, titles separated by using the word ‘OR’ (choose current in the drop down below), location and if you have premium company size etc.
  4. From the middle column under relationships, choose 1st connections and enter.
  5. You will have a list of all your first degree connections that meet your criteria. Now, on a consistent basis you can reach out to them with a quick message:

    NAME, We have been connected on LinkedIn for some time now, and I thought it might make sense for us to set up a brief introductory call so we can explore how we may be able to benefit from one another’s network. If you are open, here is a link to my calendar please choose a time that works best for us to talk. – Brynne

Next by Company:

  1. From the top search bar on LinkedIn, click the dropdown from the left and choose company, leave the search bar blank and hit ‘enter’.
  2. You will see a list of the almost 9,000,000 companies listed on LinkedIn and we want to drill it down to the ones already in our network, so click 1st connections under relationships on the left side.
  3. Choose your filters including, industry, location, company size, etc.
  4. Then click ‘view’ next to each company name (tip: right click on the ‘view’ and open in new tab so you don’t lose your place)
  5. Click on your 1st degree connection on the company page.
  6. Identify who you are connect with that you’d like to have a conversation and send the note above.

It is simple, yet effective. Let me know how it goes.

If you know it is time to start leveraging LinkedIn to grow your business, let’s chat – . I am confident that even if we don’t work together I will offer some powerful advice on mining your connections that can have a significant impact on your business development efforts.

Ready to schedule your makeover or private session now? Pick a time that works best for you at Http://

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